Frontpage 2013 arabic
Frontpage 2013 arabic

"Victims have long played a secondary, and mostly silent, role in criminal trials." UNODC recognizes the importance of representing victim's interest in criminal proceedings, and the relevance of developing programmes that provide adequate support to victims. "The exhibition is dedicated to the remembrance and support of victims of terrorism from all over the world" he continued. "These pictures provide a humble tribute to the victims and also serve to remind us of the appalling consequences of terrorism" said Mr. International intellectuals, including renowned authors Mario Vargas Llosa and Jose Saramango, complement the pictures by describing their impressions and reflecting on the horror of those acts. "100 Reflections Out of Sorrow" is a powerful photo collection demonstrating the devastation terrorism leaves behind, and it illustrates the suffering of the victims and their families, as well as their solidarity and hope for truth and justice. 24 April 2013 - On the margins of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, UNODC's Executive Director, Yury Fedotov, the Spanish Vice-Minister of the Interior, Luis Aguilera, and Maria Del Mar Blanco - sister of a terrorism victim and president of the Victims of Terrorism Foundation in Spain - opened a photo exhibition in remembrance of those who have perished in acts of terrorism in the last decades from all over the world.

Frontpage 2013 arabic